City Sound Effects
Royalty free city sound effects, downloadable in MP3, WAV and AIF Format.
Alley,Guy Digs in Bin,Rain,1 - homeless guy roots around in a large metal garbage bin. Light rain. Very distant background cars.
Alley,Guy Digs in Bin,Rain,2 - homeless guy roots around in large metal garbage bin. Light rain increases to heavy around 2:00. Very distant background cars.
Alley,Rain,Homeless Guy - medium rain with background neighbourhood (birds, some traffic. Homeless guy roots around in garbage bin.

Australian Formula one racing practise.
Bricklayers,Site,Backhoe,1 - Building a condo, second floor up. Medium distant perspective.
Bricklayers,Site,Backhoe,2 - Building a condo, second floor up. Medium distant perspective.
Bricklayers,Site,Backhoe,BG - Building a condo, second floor up. Medium distant perspective.
Bricklayers,Site,Backhoe,By - Building a condo, second floor up. Medium distant perspective.
Bricklayers,Site,Forklift - Building a condo, second floor up. Medium distant perspective.
Bricklayers,Site,Motor BG - Building a condo, second floor up. Medium distant perspective.
Bricklayers,Site,Voices,BG - Building a condo, second floor up. Medium distant perspective.

Ambience City New York Street Cars Sewer Cover Pot Holes.

Ambience City New York Times Square People Walking.

Ambience City New York Times Square Traffic People Sirens.
Construction Site,Distant,Idle - Sparse construction site ambience. Distant motor idling.
Construction Site,Distant,Light - Light construction ambience, distant. Some sawzall and hammering.
Construction Site,Distant,Shaker - LIght construction ambience, distant. A shaker starts midway through the track and continues to the end.
Construction Site,Distant,Subtle - Light construction ambience, distant. Distant hammering and impact drill.
Construction Site,Distant,Tools - Light construction ambience, distant. Table saw and hammering. Some voices.
Construction Site,Distant,Work - Light construction ambience, distant. Hammering, moving containers, banging.
Construction Site,Hammer,Voices 1 - Light construction ambience. Hammering, sawing and truck start, idling, and stop. Distant voices.
Construction Site,Hammer,Voices 2 - Light construction ambience. Hammering. Distant voices.
Construction Site,Idle,Calm - Light construction ambience, distant. Constant idle, with some background hits and movement.
Construction Site,Sawzall - Light construction ambience. A sawzall cuts through drywall.
Construction Site,Sawzall,Hits - Light construction ambience. A sawzall cuts through drywall. Some background hammering. Some other faint background ambience (jackhammer, trucks.
Construction Site,Spray,Bangs - Light construction ambience. Soft spraying of hose. Wood bangs and activity.
Construction Site,Wood,Bobcat - Construction ambience. Wood sorting bangs. A bobcat passes by. Distant hose hiss. Tires spin in mud. Car pass 3:19.
Construction Site,Wood,Pile - Construction ambience. Thin wood sorting bangs. Distant hose and table saw.
Construction,Bobcat,Distant,Work - Bobcat works and maneuvers at a distance. Sparse off-mic construction.
Construction,Bobcat,Work,Away - Bobcat approaches, works and leaves. Sparse off mic construction.
Construction,Dump Wood,Bin - Construction ambience. Dumping wood recklessly in a metal bin. Voices. Bobcat works in background.
Construction,Idle,Bobcat,Work - Bobcat works and maneuvers with clatters, medium distant. Truck idle throughout take.
Construction,Jackhammer,Distant - Light construction ambience. Distant jackhammer works and rattles.
Construction,Junk down Chute 1 - Junk slides five stories down a plastic chute to a dumpster below. Medium distant perspective. A few very distant voices.
Construction,Junk down Chute 10 - Junk slides five stories down a plastic chute to a dumpster below. Medium distant perspective.
Construction,Junk down Chute 11 - Junk slides five stories down a plastic chute to a dumpster below. Medium distant perspective.
Construction,Junk down Chute 2 - Junk slides five stories down a plastic chute to a dumpster below. Medium distant perspective.
Construction,Junk down Chute 3 - Junk slides five stories down a plastic chute to a dumpster below. Medium distant perspective.
Construction,Junk down Chute 4 - Junk slides five stories down a plastic chute to a dumpster below. Medium distant perspective.
Construction,Junk down Chute 5 - Junk slides five stories down a plastic chute to a dumpster below. Medium distant perspective.
Construction,Junk down Chute 6 - Junk slides five stories down a plastic chute to a dumpster below. Medium distant perspective.
Construction,Junk down Chute 7 - Junk slides five stories down a plastic chute to a dumpster below. Medium distant perspective.
Construction,Junk down Chute 8 - Junk slides five stories down a plastic chute to a dumpster below. Medium distant perspective.
Construction,Junk down Chute 9 - Junk slides five stories down a plastic chute to a dumpster below. Medium distant perspective.
Construction,Sawzall,Distant - Light construction ambience. Sawzall cuts drywall or wood. Occasional hammering.
Construction,Wood down Chute 1 - Wood slides five stories down a plastic chute to a dumpster below. Medium distant perspective.
Construction,Wood down Chute 2 - Wood slides five stories down a plastic chute to a dumpster below. Medium distant perspective.
Construction,Wood down Chute 3 - Wood slides five stories down a plastic chute to a dumpster below. Medium distant perspective.
Construction,Wood down Chute 4 - Wood slides five stories down a plastic chute to a dumpster below. Medium distant perspective.
Power Washing,Distant,Construction - Medium distant perspective.
Power Washing,Hard,Idle,Voices - Medium distant perspective.

Ambience Subdivision Distant Landscaping Golf Course Lawn Mowers.
Town,Atmosphere,Cats,Ocean BG - Medium distant cats meow forlornly, very distant dog. Some traffic. Wide wash of ocean in background.
Town,Atmosphere,Dog,Car,Ocean - Calm occasional car pass bys. Distant dog yap. Ocean wash in background.
Town,Atmosphere,Dog,Ocean BG - Dog barks, medium distant. Some birds. Present ocean roar, background.